How To Do Smart Learning
You study very hard for your exams, yet you are disappointed with your results. You question your efforts & hard work and think why you even bother to study? How to study smartly? Most students have experienced this and realize that studying smarter is more effective than studying harder.
Here are some tips about how to study smartly for exams:
1. Review often
Make a study time table to review your notes every day after the class/ lecture is over. When it comes to preparing for examinations, you ultimately minimize your study session. This will also prevent you from cramming and trying to learn all the study materials you have a few days before the exam.
Reviewing often helps you to be prepared ever ready for any unknown test, even a pop quiz. It helps the brain to store new information for long-term memory. Those who cram for the exam usually forget the information they study because it was stored in short term memory & that too for a few minutes till the book or notebook is with you.
2. Understanding is the key
Some students try to memorize everything they read without trying to understand. This puts them in a difficult position, especially when the exam questions are structured in a way that requires the application of knowledge.
Students end up failing a test that they claim they studied hard for, but the truth is they never understood the materials. If you study to understand, you can answer any question on a particular topic. Once you understand a concept, you can explain it very well.
3. Take breaks in between
Taking breaks in between your study sessions is as important as it is to sit & study properly. Breaks are necessary during prolonged study setups as it helps in retaining information in a better way for a long time. Study sessions should include regular breaks to recharge your brain from the pressure of studies.
Students generally used to sit for long hours just a day before the test or exam & this leads to cramming. Give your brain a relaxing time to absorb something new every time. Try to give a 10 to 15 minutes pause each time between a stretch of an hour or two.
4. Join a study group
It usually saves a lot of time an individual spends on his/her studies. Seriously, it does!
Getting into a good study group can eventually help a lot as each member of the group share his/ her views, points on a topic. Therefore, many viewpoints are formed on the basis of the opinions of everyone. Also, it is a rich source of information. Each & every individual of the group discusses his/ her thoughts about the topic or a subject which gives a huge help to others as well.
Make your learning fun by joining a study group of intelligent students. Here every topic is explored & covered by different minds.
Also, read the benefits of group study.
5. Use flashcards & notes
Children gather a vast amount of information with the help of notes using flashcards. Studying by use of flashcards improve memorization power. This helps in remembering key terms & important concepts. It gives you a very quick revision of topics a couple of times before your test or exam. The method of learning is as efficient as it can be easily carried anywhere & used anytime you need it.
6. Test yourself & teach others
Last but not least, always make sure to test yourself what you have read or studied till now. It’s time to review yourself after completing your study sessions. This is to be done in order to retain everything in memory.
Also, teach others as it can help you understand difficult concepts. And for this, you yourself have to know it first. While you are teaching, you learn as you are forced to express information in your own words. You may have to repeat yourself, which activates the info. Try to ask questions, and you have to analyze their problems and answer them. Teaching deepens our understanding of a particular subject.
Studying smarter helps you to retain a large amount of information and learn information quickly. You should try to understand each n every concept you learn. Use different materials and notes to get a thorough understanding of the subject.
Easier said than done, but do not wait to start studying until you have exams on your head.
These tips will enable you to know how to do smart learning.
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