Gyananda School for Girls
49 Subhash Road
About School
The Gyananda School comes with a rigorous commitment. This school’s main aim is to archive specific, assessable, perceptible, and quantifiable results among all students. Because the school has a vision to deliver high-quality education to young minds and offer a learning environment. The Gyananda School was founded in 2015 and managed by Drona’s International Educational Society. This school recognizes the multiplicity and ingrained value of the many cultures. The Gyananda Day boarding school’s founding members consider that the 21st century requires a real and deep devotion to infrastructure, staff, and curriculum delivery and this motive should be shown in both layout and pedagogical concepts.
The Gyananda School delivers a secure and physically relaxing atmosphere that encourages student learning. This school management members know that student education is boosted by positive connections, extra-curricular exercises, and a system of educational and emotional support.