How to get motivated to Study?

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Motivation to study is one of the biggest daily struggles for most children. It’s of no big surprise that when you find a hue of little free time, the last thing you would want to do is to study. It can be overwhelming when you struggle to study hard.

Don’t worry Schools in Dehradun have put together these 7-sure ways to increase your study motivation & improve your study habits.

1. Create a Study Routine

This is the very first step in getting motivated to study as it is a great way to keep away procrastination from your daily life. Planning up a daily routine for studies & setting aside time schedule will prepare you how to increase motivation to study.

2. Set your Goals


Studying without an aim is worthless. Setting both long & short-term goals will help to achieve what you want to be in life. Short-term goals would be like finishing at least a topic in a limited time. Achieving this goal will make you feel accomplished at the end of each study session.

Ensure that your goals should be both realistic as well as challenging.

3. Focus on the task at hand


Prioritize the most important tasks at hand. Avoid multi-tasking as this will only make you feel confused about what to study (manage) & what to leave.

4. Put the cell phone on silent mode or shut it down

Your cell phone might be your main problem while trying to concentrate on your studies. You don’t need to take any call from friends or relatives unless it is an urgent call or an emergency.  Or if you don’t want to keep it off, place it in silent mode and keep it away from your view so that you may not be tempted for a sneak view.

Unless you absolutely need it for studying, turn all electronic gadgets off. It’s a minefield of distractions.

5. Find a suitable place to study


Create a perfect study space by organizing your table/ desk or chair so that everything you need can be easily accessible to you at the time. Find a quiet space where there are fewer chances of distractions. This could be a library, a separate room in your house, or anywhere else which is free from excessive noise & interruptions.

6. Divide your subjects/topics & time

Don’t overload all the subjects at the same time. Instead, divide time for each subject/topic so that you can cover it up easily. It’s good for better results.

It makes the study more enjoyable & easy for you to grasp.

7. Wear comfortable clothes


Little things like having pull up your trousers, folding up the shirt, etc can create distractions towards study or can eat away precious time for studies. Make sure that you wear comfortable clothing while sitting to study that fits you properly & doesn’t constrict you in between your studies.

If you have long hair, tie a rubber band or make a back pony so that they may not fall into your eyes.

These are some of the tips for motivating yourself to study.

Also read: Girls boarding schools in India


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